Ambasadorii Romaniei, Italiei si Bulgariei la UE cer explicatii Comisiei Europene in legatura cu afirmatiile comisarului Oettinger
Reprezentantele permanente ale Romaniei, Bulgariei si Italiei pe langa Uniunea Europeana au solicitat joi, intr-o actiune coordonata, explicatii de la cabinetul comisarului european pentru energie, Gunther Oettinger, privind afirmatiile inaltului oficial european intr-o reuniune publica de marti, conform carora cele trei state ar fi "aproape neguvernabile", transmite Agerpres citand surs
Assad reconnaît implicitement avoir reçu des missiles russes
Assad reconnaît implicitement avoir reçu des missiles russes Dans un entretien accordé à Al-Manar, la télévision du Hezbollah, le président syrien justifie en outre la présence de ses alliés sur... From: euronewsfr Views: 19 1 ratings Time: 01:34 More in News & Politics
West Wing Week: 05/31/13 or "Greetings from Asbury Park"
West Wing Week: 05/31/13 or "Greetings from Asbury Park" This week, the President spoke to the graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy, traveled to Oklahoma and New Jersey to highlight recovery efforts, and honored Mem...