duminică, 20 iulie 2014

Au moins 27 Palestiniens tués dans la bande de Gaza ce dimanche
Au moins 27 Palestiniens tués dans la bande de Gaza ce dimanche Sauve-qui-peut dans l'est de la ville de Gaza. Des milliers d'habitants du quartier de Chajaya fuyaient ce dimanche matin, à pied, ou à l'arrière de camions, une zone pilonnée intensément... From: euronews (en français) Views: 19 0 ratings Time: 01:12 More in News & Politics
Irak : les derniers chrétiens ont déserté Mossoul
Irak : les derniers chrétiens ont déserté Mossoul En Irak, la communauté chrétienne de Mossoul a fui la ville, cédant à l'ultimatum des djihadistes. Elle avait le choix entre fuir avant samedi midi, se convertir à l'Islam ou accepter... From: euronews (en français) Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 01:16 More in News & Politics
Israeli shelling kills at least 20 in Gaza neighbourhood
Israeli shelling killed at least 20 Palestinians in a Gaza neighbourhood on Sunday, and thousands of residents fled for their lives, local health…
Turkish president calls for talks to reunite divided Cyprus
On the 40th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of northern Cyprus, the Turkish President, Abdullah Gul has called for renewed talks to reunite the…
Iraqi Christians flee Mosul after Jihadist ultimatum
Christians from the ancient community of Mosul in northern Iraq have fled the city after being given a deadline of Saturday afternoon to convert to…
Series of pro-Palestinian protests held in European cities
Several pro-Palestinian demonstrations have been held in European cities, in protest against Israel's military actions in Gaza. Protesters clashed…
Separatiștii pro-ruși împiedică în continuare accesul liber al OSCE la locul catastrofei aviatice din Ucraina de est
John Kerry i-a comunicat lui Serghei Lavrov îngrijorarea Statelor Unite și a cerut din nou acces liber pentru inspectorii internaționali.
Setea de putere a lui Putin a curmat 298 de vieți
Vladimir Putin este cel puțin, vinovatul moral al morții celor 298 de persoane aflate în avionul companiei Malaysia Airlines, doborât de rebelii ruși, cu o rachetă sol-aer, în estul Ucrainei. Tragedia aviatică s-a produs