vineri, 11 iulie 2014


Gaza mourns its dead as Israel cranks up its military build-up
A family-of-eight killed in an Israeli airstrike have been buried as the crisis in the Middle East deepens. Their covered bodies were carried…
Coming up in committees
Committees - Exchange of views with commissioners-designate Following the election to the European Parliament of four members of the current Commission, the relevant committees will hold an exchange of views with new commissioners-designate on 14.07.14 in Strasbourg.  Their mandate is expected to last until the end of October, when a new Commission is to be set up.  Mrs Reicherts, design
Festival românesc pentru spectatori chinezi. ...
Nouă evenimente în aproximativ trei săptămâni. Un maraton al muzicii şi al tradiţiilor româneşti, este cea mai bună descriere a ediţiei a patra a Festivalului Propatria – Festivalul internaţional al tinerelor talente româneşti, care a avut loc la Roma între 20 iunie şi 6 iulie. Artişti români din Italia, Austria, Spania şi România şi-au expus calităţile şi au încercat să arate adevărata imagine a
România 2014: Legile supravegherii și epigonii lui Orwell
Performance la București împotriva legilor supravegherii adoptate recent de Parlamentul României.
Press release - Jean-Claude Juncker strives to win hearts and minds in Parliament
General : European Parliament political groups quizzed Commission President-designate Jean-Claude Juncker on Tuesday and Wednesday, ahead of the plenary vote on his candidature, scheduled for 15 July. Mr Juncker requested a series of meetings with MEPs to seek Parliament’s support for his election and build a majority behind his programme. Source : © European Union, 2014 - EP
Vreți să deveniți proprietarii unui întreg sat italian, îl găsiți scos la vânzare pe eBay
Satul Calsazio din Piemont (aproape de Torino) a fost scos la vânzare pe site-ul de licitații online eBay, cu prețul de 245.000 de euro, anunță cotidianul La Repubblica, citat de Agerpres. Ansamblul cuprinde circa 20 de clădiri de piatră și lemn. Doritorii trebuie să se decidă repede fiindcă licitația se încheie pe 15 iulie. Viitorul proprietar al satului se va angaja să respecte mediul și istoria
Coming up in committees
Committees - Exchange of views with commissioners-designate Following the election to the European Parliament of four members of the current Commission, the relevant committees will hold an exchange of views with new commissioners-designate on 14.07.14 in Strasbourg.  Their mandate is expected to last until the end of October, when a new Commission is to be set up.  Mrs Reicherts, design
The President Talks About Immigration Reform
The President Talks About Immigration Reform Following a meeting with Texas Gov. Rick Perry and others, President Obama makes a statement on immigration reform in Dallas, Texas, July 9, 2014. From: The White House Views: 2614 115 ratings Time: 22:05 More in News & Politics
Israël intensifie ses raids sur Gaza, réunion d'urgence à l'ONU
Israël intensifie ses raids sur Gaza, réunion d'urgence à l'ONU L'opération aérienne de Tsahal "Haie de Protection" contre le Hamas ne cesse de prendre de l'ampleur. En trois jours, au moins 64 Palestiniens ont été tués dont au moins 14 dans la nuit... From: euronews (en français) Views: 4 0 ratings Time: 01:39 More in News & Politics