vineri, 14 iunie 2013

EU to scrap mobile roaming charges in favour of a single market


Citizens' Dialogue in Ljubljana on the future of Europe - Janez Potocnik
Citizens' Dialogue in Ljubljana on the future of Europe - Janez Potocnik The Ljubljana Cankarjev Dom Culture centre saw a lively dialogue ... From: eutube Views: 2 1 ratings Time: 03:59 More in News & Politics
Improved free movement across borders with new Schengen rules
The European Union should be a safe space against terrorism and organized crime, but can not be a fortress against migrants. This is the spirit of…    
EU to scrap mobile roaming charges in favour of a single market
The European Commission voted on Tuesday in Brussels to end roaming fees for calls, texts and internet in favour of a single telecoms market across…    
ERT closure risks toppling Greek government
As shock waves ripple through the Greek parliament, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is standing by his decision to pull the plug on public broadcaster…    
Europe's latest plane takes to the skies
The Airbus A350, Europe's newest jet, took to the the skies on Friday for its maiden flight. Airbus is hoping this 'widebody' aircraft will allow it…    
Blankenberge sand sculpture festival kicks off in Belgium
no comment : Blankenberge sand sculpture festival kicks off in Belgium    
Mandela : sa santé s'améliore mais son état reste grave
Mandela : sa santé s'améliore mais son état reste grave Des nouvelles rassurantes de Nelson Mandela. "Sa santé continue de s'améliorer" a... euronews, la chaîne d'informations la plus regardée en Europe. Abonnez-v... From: euronewsfr Views: 6 0 ratings Time: 00:31 More in News & Politics
Mesajul sindicaliștilor români din Italia
Andi Rădiu Situația economică din Italia s-a schimbat. Cu asta suntem cu toții de acord. E greu de găsit un loc de muncă, trebuie să faci compromisuri, să accepți ce ți se oferă. Dacă nu, pleci în altă țară sau te întorci în patrie. Din Treviso aflăm că 30.000 de români au probleme cu munca. Unii pleacă în altă parte, în Irlanda, Anglia, Germania, dar cei mai mulți în România. În altă țară însă, t
Rieti, cetățenie onorifică pentru copiii străini. Kyenge: “Această țară vă aparține”
“În multe orașe italiene se desfășoară inițiative pentru conferirea cetățeniei de onoare la mii de copii și tineri de origine străină. Nu pot decât să salut cu bucurie această inițiativă a dumneavoastră și a multe primării din întreaga țară”. Este un fragment din scrisoarea pe care ministrul pentru Integrare, Cecile Kyenge, a trimis-o primarului din Rieti, Simone Petrangeli în care salută cu mare
Turkish revolt
Turkish revolt MEPs join the chorus of condemnation over the violence against protestors in Turkey after what started as a small demo mushroomed into a countrywide protest.... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 01:57 More in News & Politics
Interview: Revamped asylum and Schengen rules
Interview: Revamped asylum and Schengen rules Why did the EU need new legislation on asylum and Schengen? We asked two MEPs, Sylvie Guillaume (S&D) and Cornelia Ernst (GUE/NGL), for their opinions. Comme... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 04:16 More in News & Politics
Plenary zapping -- June 2013
Plenary zapping -- June 2013 Opposing responses to the American data 'spying' revelations, protests of support for Turkish demonstrations and a big breakthrough in common European asylum... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 02:18 More in News & Politics
On the Agenda: Ombudsman, crisis/no crisis & F-gases
On the Agenda: Ombudsman, crisis/no crisis & F-gases Would-be EU ombudsmen are heard in committee, Commissioners discuss country-specific fiscal recommendations and MEPs vote on cutting fluorinated gas emission... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 02:08 More in News & Politics
Citizens' Dialogue in Ljubljana on the future of Europe - Janez Potocnik
Citizens' Dialogue in Ljubljana on the future of Europe - Janez Potocnik The Ljubljana Cankarjev Dom Culture centre saw a lively dialogue ... From: eutube Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 03:59 More in News & Politics
Citizens' Dialogue in Prague - Stefan Fule
Citizens' Dialogue in Prague - Stefan Fule In a Citizens' Dialogue in Prague more than 250 people debated ... From: eutube Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 03:14 More in News & Politics