Singing astronaut to retire
The singing astronaut Chris Hadfield whose tweets and photographs from the International Space Station made him a global celebrity is to retire. The…
German writer Walter Jens dies aged 90
The celebrated German author and literary historian, Walter Jens has died at the age of 90. Once described as a "moral yardstick" Jens campaigned…
Asbestos trial begins in Seville
The first day of a collective trial begins in southern Spain today concerning the exposure to asbestos and the company Uralita. Twenty-six ill…
Whistleblower who leaked NSA files disappears
Edward Snowden the man who revealed that US agencies are gathering millions of phone records and monitoring internet data, has disappeared. Snowden…
Dozens killed in attacks across Iraq
More than 70 people have died in a day of violence across Iraq as a result of car bombs, suicide attacks and gun battles. The attacks have…
China speeds up its race to space
China's bid to catch-up with established space super powers, the US and Russia, will take another step forward later today. Three astronauts, two…
POSDRU: Modelul revizuit al bugetului Cererii de finantare
Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane (AM POSDRU) a publicat modelul revizuit al bugetului Cererii de finantare, aplicabil tuturor cererilor de propuneri de proiecte lansate de AM POSDRU/OI POSDRU in anul 2013. Acest fisier va fi transmis prin sistemul ActionWeb la momentul completarii Cererii de finantare in format electronic. Cererile de fi
Regulile pe care trebuie sa le urmeze beneficiarii privati ai PNDR pentru achizitii
Agentia de Plati pentru Dezvoltare Rurala si Pescuit a sintetizat un set de reguli pe care trebuie sa le urmeze beneficiarii privati ai Programului National de Dezvoltare Rurala (PNDR) pentru adjudecarea contractelor de achizitii de servicii, bunuri (cu sau fara montaj) si de executie a lucrarilor utilizand fonduri din Fondul European Agricol pentru Dezvoltare Rurala (FEADR) sau Programul European
Germany still reeling from extensive flooding
Flooding continues to cause havoc in some parts of Europe. In Germany a collapsed dam near Fischbeck in the north east is likely to add to the six…
PM promise to meet Taksim park protesters fails to end the violence
Anti-government protesters expressed their anger late into the night after Turkey's premier said he would only meet the original campaigners who had…
New mayor of Rome a boost for Italy's centre-left
A former transplant surgeon has been elected as the new mayor of Rome. Ignazio Marino, who had a distinguished medical career before becoming a…