miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

Noul Ombudsman European: comisia pentru petiții audiază candidații

Gyula Horn former Hungarian Prime Minister dies at 81
Gyula Horn the former prime minister and foreign minister of Hungary has died in hospital at the age of 81 after a long illness. He was instrumental…    
Alcatel-Lucent refocuses to survive
Trying to reverse years of losses, Alcatel-Lucent has unveiled another survival plan. The telecom firm said it will focus on specialised networking…    
Transaction tax / Crisis debate / Schulz at ENA
Transaction tax / Crisis debate / Schulz at ENA Financial transaction tax draft report approved, MEPs discuss economic recovery with European Commissioners and Martin Schulz promotes European solidarity. C... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 1 0 ratings Time: 02:03 More in News & Politics
Coups, conflicts and development
Coups, conflicts and development The spread of Mali's conflict across its borders tops the agenda as deputies from Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific meet their European counterparts in joint... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 02:10 More in News & Politics
New Schengen deal should keep border open
New Schengen deal should keep border open After more than a year of negotiating, MEPs agree a deal to ensure free movement by preventing Member States from randomly reintroducing border controls. Com... From: EuropeanParliament Views: 6 4 ratings Time: 02:01 More in News & Politics
Afghan President Karzai to boycott US-Taliban talks
Afghan President Hamid Karzai said his government would not participate in US peace talks with the Taliban, explaining that all such negotiations…    
Lamy hits back at Barroso on trade agreement
World Trade Organisation Director-General Pascal Lamy has hit back at EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso's claim that France was being…    
Will you #ДАНСwithme? How Bulgarian protesters are using social media
Every large protest now has the corresponding hashtags and key-word on social media: Tunisia has #Jan14, Egypt has #Jan26, the recent Turkish…    
Child slaughter in Syria as the innocent educate world leaders
As World Refugee Day looms, hundreds of Syrian children forced to flee the fighting in their country have decorated kites with messages for world…    
Gyula Horn, Hungary's demolisher of the Iron Curtain, dies aged 81
Former Hungarian prime minister Gyula Horn has died aged 81, it was announced on Wednesday. He had been hospitalised in 2007 and had been suffering a…    
As seen in Iran: Iranians celebrate the election of Hassan Rouhani
Iranians poured onto the streets to celebrate the election of Hassan Rouhani on 15 June. Some of them filmed the celebrations and sent their images…    
Web Review: Aung San Suu Kyi, Berlin and the Hype Cycle
*Follow our daily selection of the best and worst of the Internet.* * 19 June is Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday. Aung San Suu Kyi is a Burmese…    
Anger grows in Brazil over football costs
no comment : Anger grows in Brazil over football costs    
Zoom - Următorul Ombudsman al Europei
10 ani și peste 30.000 de plângeri: acesta este recordul Ombudsmanului European, Nikiforos Diamandouros, care se va retrage din activitate pe 1 octombrie 2013 după un deceniu de serviciu. Dar cine îi va urma? Dosarul de față vă ghidează de-a lungul procedurii de alegere a Ombudsmanului și vă explică realizările din ultimul an și puterile acestuia. Sursa : © Uniunea Europeană, 2013 - PE
Articol - Noul Ombudsman European: comisia pentru petiții audiază candidații
În cadrul unor audieri derulate în comisia pentru petiții pe 18 iunie, deputaţii europeni au întrebat candidații la postul de Ombudsman European care sunt prioritățile lor cheie - privitoare la independență, vizibilitate și transparență - în cazul în care vor fi aleși. Noul Ombudsman îl va înlocui pe domnul Nikiforos Diamandouros, care a anunțat că se retrage. Votul în plen este programat pentru i
Termenul "ţigan", interzis în România. ...
Romii sunt apărați crâncen de statul român și de Uniunea Europeană, care a obligat Guvernul României să mărească de 12 ori amenzile pentru cei care pronunță cuvântul "țigan", considerat jignitor și discriminator la adresa romilor. Instituția care îi amendează pe "discriminatori" se numește Consiliul Național pentru Combaterea Discriminării. Aici romii, dar și orice altă persoană care se consideră